For the train
If you think your rights have not been respected, you can complain to the railway company, which must reply within 1 month.
If you are not satisfied with their reply, you can contact the national enforcement body in your country.
For boat travel
If you think your rights have not been respected, you can complain to the carrier within 2 months of the date on which the event happened. The carrier must react within 1 month and give you a final reply 2 months after receiving the complaint.
If you are not satisfied with their reply, you can contact the national enforcement body.
For the bus
If you think your rights have not been respected, you can complain to the bus company within 3 months of the date on which the event happened. The carrier must react within 1 month and give you a final reply 3 months after receiving the complaint.
If you are not satisfied with their reply, you can contact the national enforcement body.